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Gain a basic understanding of fear and how to control the “uncontrollable” psychological and physiological changes that occur when fear sets in.  Learn to push through fear and embrace good fear.  Learn multiple techniques to overcome fear when paralyzed by it.  Create a long-term action plan to build self-confidence and negate the negative effects of fear.  Devise a plan to survive the emotional aftermath of a fear driven event. 

decision making under stress:  surviving critical incidents

Build a survival mindset.  Identify the thought process the human mind goes through during every critical incident.  Gain a clear understanding of stress so your mind can be fast and effective.  Breakdown real world videos involving a myriad of critical incidents to discover lessons learned and implement that into your life.  Learn important knowledge on key survival techniques and strategies that could easily mean the difference between life and death.  Form a plan to minimize long term psychological trauma after the event. 


Detailed terrorism seminar that takes you into the mind of a terrorist.  Gain an understanding of the extremist ideology to recognize those who can be easily influenced and turn to terrorism.  Analyze the terrorist threat and targeting methodology to know how to better protect your family and work environment.  Recognize suspicious indicators so the student can pre-emptively stop or deter an attack from happening.  

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